
This page features original writings from the therapists at Heart Spring. Join us as we reflect on on our experiences and share our wisdom and insight into the counseling process and mental health in general.

I Made a Difference

When I look back over the course of my life, at the end, what will I see?

What do I see? Who do I see?

I am a scholar, a forever learner, a vehicle for His work.

I am a willing participant in His grand plans, I show up, I say “Yes.”

I want to prove myself and my experience.

I want to do something of significance.

I just need to show up. I am enough.

I love going to my sessions.

I make lightbulbs go off. Something is working!

Something is connecting!

I made a difference.

When I look forward over the rest of my life, what will I see?

What do I see? Who do I see?

I see creating a space that is non-judgement, where processing is allowed to be.

I see a space and place of connection and rest and harmony.

A place where work is affirming and thriving.

Where chaos and crisis are quiet and fading.

A space to be. Whatever that may be.

Just me. Just them. Just be. Safe.

I made a difference.

If I look out at my life, what will I see?

What do I see? Who do I see?

I see “The Sojourner”-

A wandering soul willing to travel long-forgotten and forbidden roads with those she travels.

I see the “The Eye of a Storm”-

A presence of blessed relief from the storms and chaos of life.

I see the “Vessel of Healing”-

A willing heart crafted and directed for healing the wounded hearts of this world.

I see the “The Resting Place”-

A soul at rest that calls for others to find rest within the quiet place.

I see “The Difference Maker”-

A heart ready and willing to enter the unknown to make a difference one life at a time.

I see “The Sanctuary”-

A heart and soul able to offer a space for others to find safety within themselves.

I see “The Passionate Pursuer”-

A soul delighted and filled with passion and wonder at pursuing purpose and approval from a Heavenly Father.

When I take that last look at my life, when I stand with my Father in the end, what will I see?

What do I see? Who do I see?

I see…

I made a difference.

And I hear those final, sweetest words,

“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

I Made a Difference

By Dr. Torrie Gilden

This poem was written for the students in one of my courses. It was an internship course, and the students were processing their developing professional identities as they currently were and what they hoped it to be in the future. Their hearts so inspired me that I took our discussion, prayed over each student, and created this poem from what the Lord put on my heart for each of them. This poem represents the hopes and hearts of counseling students as they are just entering the field of counseling. I hope it inspires you as it did me.